Thursday, March 26, 2009

In defense of my vice: coffee

My number one vice is coffee.

Love Coffee by Ahmed Rabea

I've been drinking coffee on a regular basis since middle school when my mom first took me and my little brother to check out the new coffee shop in LaGrange, Higher Groundz. (Which is out of business now.) After that, I began drinking coffee on a weekly basis. By the time I was in high school I was drinking coffee several times a week.

Now that I'm in college, I drink coffee on a daily basis. I'm better then some and worse then some on this count. Of course, I've heard a hundred times over the reasons why I should ditch the coffee habit, but its not all bad, coffee does have some good points.

1) Coffee contains antioxidants that are proven to improve moods, and who doesn't want to feel a little happier?

2) Coffee is a great excuse to socialize! Can a question ever beat "Wanna meet for coffee?"

3) Coffee has been shown to improve focus and short term memory. No wonder so many great thinkers were known to spend a ton of time in coffee shops.

4) Coffee is good. :)

Sounds like I have a few good reasons not to kick the habit, doesn't it? Good, now stop hassling me about the caffeine. It's good for me.... errrr... sort of.

1 comment:

Stacey Olson said...

We all need vices don't we?? My husband always jokes that I took away his last vice, now he's perfect ;-)