Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today my boyfriend and I went to the Ash Wednesday service that was held on campus.  It was neat.  The service itself was very Catholic, which I enjoyed.  (Catholic services always seem to have that extra special pen ash around holidays.) The communion wine tasted like saki though... 

So, the big question is: What should I give up for lent?  A lot of people are giving up food or drinks, but the only things that I eat/drink routinely are chicken and coffee.  Chicken because it is the only meat that the school does a good job at cooking, and coffee because due to my body's chemistry caffeine tends to work as a relaxant on me and when I don't drink some when under stress, I need serious drugs (like Benedril) to deal with the withdrawal symptoms.

Back to giving up something though.  I really don't know what I can give... 
  • I can give some more time for prayer, though I fear I'm too often distracted.
  • I can make an effort to do a better job of attending church, though I know I'll miss the extra hour of sleep.
  • I can actually finally get around to pulling some money to give to the church from my pay check's meager leftovers.
  • I can try to read my Bible more.  It's pages were starting to get dusty.

That is all I know to offer.  I have little time during the day and am overly easily distracted at night, so I will try this little though it is.  It's not giving up chocolate, but it is my own small attempt.  Hopefully I will pull through and do all of these.  If not, then I can only hope that God will understand.

1 comment:

Toki-chan said...

If you start reading more, or really doing any more I'll do it with you. I love hearing or reading the Bible out loud.
(it's your Cow loving neighbor, if you didn't guess)