Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Charlie the Unicorn

So, show of hands, who has seen Charlie the Unicorn?  (Uh huh, yeah, you might want to put your hand back down now before people start staring.)

So, just because Charlie is wonderful, it seemed appropriate that I do at least one blog on him and his friends.

Now on first glance Charlie the Unicorn is hilarious.  You have to feel sorry for Charlie, as you laugh at his misfortune.  

Upon a second glance though, there are some interesting underlying themes that didn't become entirely clear to me until after I watched the youtube live video.  It seems that Charlie the Unicorn has some elements of anti-communist propaganda in it that is reminiscent of Disney's cartoons when the US was at odds with Russia.  Just for giggles, lets consider the evidence for this idea:
  1. Charlie's liver is taken by the community. (aka blue and pink)
  2. Charlie's tv, game system and blanket are also taken by the community.
  3. Group thought contributes greatly to the events that occur.
  4. Charlie (if seen as symbolic of the US) is understandably wary of his friends with communist-like values (not unlike Russia and China), but finds himself on the bandwagon with them on the adventures anyway.  This could easily be compared to the way the US sometimes enacts policies similar to that of its larger "friends" that, while they have the country's self-interest in mind, ultimately lead to less then desirable circumstances.
  5. In video 2, there is a hammer and a banana that look suspiciously similar to a certain country's former symbol.
  6. In the youtube live video, pink and blue are wearing Soviet Russian hats, and the hats seem to freak Charlie out almost as much as any of the other strange events surrounding him.
And then there is the possibility that all of the videos were made purely for entertainment value....  That isn't as fun to analyze though, so I guess I'll stick with communist vs. democracy symbolism.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go put a banana in my ear.  (Oh, the Freudian comments... another day.)

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