Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

2009 began on Thursday with fireworks, yet some things don't change.  Like my work schedule.  Today is my off day though, so I figured that I would go ahead and write a bit about my New Year's Resolutions despite the fact that I'm coming in a bit late...
  1. In 2009 I will run 8x a month (minimum).  
  2. In 2009 I will fill up my portfolio binder.
  3. In 2009 I will get at least a B in all of my classes.
  4. In 2009 I will read 25 books.
  5. In 2009 I will learn how to relax.
There are one or two others, but that is the basic jest of it.  Now, what I need is an action plan, so that I can actually get these things done instead of throwing them back into the pile of unmet resolutions.

So, here is my action plan:

Resolution 1:  Run 8x a month
    I will schedule runs on days that aren't too busy then will make myself actually go out and do it.  Because they are scheduled, I can't procrastinate and put off running until later.  I will reward myself at the end of every month that I accomplish this goal by letting myself buy a new book and read the first chapter or so over coffee.

Resolution 2:  Fill my portfolio
    I will start writing for the campus paper, and ask the local paper if it needs a free-lance person to cover a few events.  I will also put some serious effort into getting an internship with my hometown's paper this summer.

Resolution 3:  Get B's or higher
  Tough one... Read the books?  Study?  Pay attention in class?  Don't panic?  I'm still working on this one...

Resolution 4:  Read 25 books
    25 books in a year means roughly two books a month.  That sounds easy, at least until one considers that at the same time there will be a number of pages that need to be read for classes too.  I guess the big thing is to make sure that I'm done reading 15 books by the end of July.

Resolution 5: Relax
    I'm trying to figure out where a good place would be to just chill sans distractions.  I think that would help a lot... but where is there to go?  I keep thinking in my car, but that seems somehow ill advised.  

So, here I go, off into the wild blue yonder.  Will I succeed?  Will I fail?  I guess, as Jimmy Buffet put it, only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

woo hoo!

they seem attainable enough :) you can do it.

Unknown said...

Hey Alicia, Um you have 2008 all through out your 2009 resolutions... Silly goose

Unknown said...

Scott- I edited, so now its better.... I don't know why I did that.

Lisa- Thanks! :)