Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Squirt bottle Correction

I put in my resignation last week.  Some times things just aren't meant to be.  This job was one of those things.  

It wasn't the work that made it a bad fit either.  I don't mind hard work.  What bothered me was the mentality that the management had about the work.  Observing the way they worked and tried to make things happen was so frighteningly anti-logical that I wanted to pull out a squirt bottle, spray them and say "No, bad manager."

I've found myself wanting to do this to more and more people lately.  Maybe it is my flaw that I want to train people like a bunch of puppies.  That I want to get rid of bad behaviors with a squirt bottle and a firm voice.  Maybe it would be good for them.  More likely they would think I was crazy.  I still kind of want to correct those behaviors before they prove to be detrimental to the guilty parties and the people around them.  I want to bring this change to them.

To the manager who gives a vague idea to employees of what they are supposed to do, then swiftly negates all employee suggestions at ways to be productive that don't fit perfectly within what is already being done at that office. 

*squirt* "No, bad manager."

To the professor who ignores the wide variety of learning styles and teaches in a way that only truly appeals to audio learners.  (Telling students to read the book does not count as covering the visual aspect.)  

*squirt* "No, bad professor."

To the salesman, co-worker who talks too much about the negatives of an otherwise good product before getting around why the person should actually care enough not to tune you out right then and there.  

*squirt* "No, bad salesman."

To the parent who upon learning that his/her child has made a major life decision that will hopefully make his/her life better asks about finances before anything else.  

*squirt* "No, bad parent."

To the person who never seems to appreciate a job that's been done and only looks at the job that needs to be done.  

*squirt* "No, bad person."

It is probably a good thing that I don't have a squirt bottle.  I might be tempted to actually use it then... even more so then now.


S.A.Hill said...

I believe you’re missing one other person from your list of targets…

To the fiancée who cannot make the decision as to where to eat when I say “I do know; you pick somewhere to eat.”

*squirt* “No, bad fiancée”

Toki-chan said...



/wants to get camera to follow behind :D

Katie M said...

Haha! Nice Alicia! I'm with Hannah on this one. You really should just get one. It'd work well for all of us. It'd make everyone better off in the long run. ^_^

Plus it'd be really funny.

A said...

I'm all for it. I mean, if you can't train people to think for themselves, they should at least be trained to shy away from bad behaviors, right?

This makes me laugh and roll and laugh some more. I have encountered EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people in day-to-day life, and I didn't really know how to handle it, either. Maybe you've found the answer.