Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hungry for Skills

"It's not great, but I'm hungry," my co-worker mused over her food amid conversation over jobs. Maybe that is why we are here. We are hungry for something.

I just realized today that I have been working for Wal*Mart for almost 6 months. Scary thought. This was, in my mind, supposed to be a job just to keep me busy until I found something better. Still nobody is hiring, not really.

I have heard about some maybes, but somehow I just can't make myself believe that, in this time where people with 20 years experience and a PHD are out of work, I have any chance of getting a better job against the competition.

What do I have in my favor? I have some writing skills, I suppose, and an up-front writing style to go with those skills. I am easily adaptable and a quick learner, but then again most everyone claims the same. (I really am though.) I have a life and health insurance sales license. I know enough to edit html but not to write it (unless super simple web pages count). I have some experience with travel and at this point have been to all but one continent. I can cook. I've read a lot of books on business and other subjects. I am an okay artist, though I'm so easily distracted from my own art that I'll probably never be great. I know more about meditation and muscle relaxation then anyone I've met without some sort of certificate on the subject.

And I am smart. As a school councilor once told me after a conversation and a glance at my SAT score, I can do anything. I just don't have a piece of paper to prove it, so I guess I'll develop some more skills until I can find a job where I fit.

Wheel of skills, turn, turn, turn. Tell me the skill that I should learn.

Today's skill is: Business Spanish. Give me a day or two and it'll be second nature. I already know the basics, I'm just a little out of practice.

Now, for your entertainment, here are the main phrases I need for my present job:

Hola. ¿Como esta? Bien, gracias.
¿Encontró usted todo bien hoy? Si.
¿Querría usted solicitar una tarjeta de crédito de Wal-Mart? No.
Tenga un día bueno.

For my next job? Who knows. I guess it couldn't hurt to be prepared. Tune in next time for more fun "skills."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Search for a Better Me

Today I think I'll begin to search to find a better me...

A me who is not afraid
A me who does what she must do
Not because of what they've said
But because my heart tells me to.

A me who writes with passion
A me who writes daily
Who makes meet the black and the white
And does so gayly.

A me who cooks often
A me who cooks not to pass time
But crafts dishes with panache
Because I expect the sublime.

A me who is not discouraged
A me who believes the impossible dream
Who doesn't listen to the naysayers
Because this little girl is more the she seems.

Happy New Year to all! If 2010 really was the last year what would you do? Now do it!